Philips Heartstart Mrx



  • The Philips Heartstart Mrx is an adjustable ECG size and autogain
  • 8.4 inch (diagonal), 4-wave color display, largest in its class.
  • 12-Lead data transmission
  • Data collection and event summary.

Philips HeartStart MRX Specifications

Dimensions with pads 31.5 cm (W) x 21.0 cm (D) x 29.5 cm (H); (12.4 in. x 8.3 in. x 11.7 in.)
Dimensions with paddles 34.0 cm (W) x 21.0 cm (D) x 34.5 cm (H); (13.4 in. x 8.3 in. x 13.6 in.)
Weight Less than 13.2 lbs. including pads, pads cable, battery, and full roll of paper. Incremental
weight of external standard paddles and paddle tray is less than 2.5 lbs. Additional battery weighs less than 1.6 lbs.
Waveform Biphasic Truncated Exponential. Waveform parameters adjusted as a function of patient impedance.
Shock Delivery Via multifunction electrode pads or paddles.
Delivered Energy Accuracy
Charge Time:

  • Less than 5 seconds to 200 Joules with a new, fully charged Lithium Ion battery pack at 25oC.
  • Less than 15 seconds when operating without a battery, using the M3539A AC power module alone at 90-100% rated mains voltage.
  • Less than 15 seconds with a new, fully charged Lithium Ion battery pack at 25oC, depleted by up to 15 200 Joule discharges.
  • Less than 25 seconds from initial power on, with a new, fully charged Lithium Ion battery pack at 25oC, depleted by up to 15 200 Joule discharges.
  • Less than 25 seconds from initial power on when operating without a battery, using the M3539A
  • AC power module alone at 90-100% rated mains voltage. Less than 30 seconds from initiation of rhythm analysis (AED Mode) with a new, fully charged Lithium Ion battery pack at 25oC, depleted by up to 15 200 Joule discharges.
  • Less than 30 seconds from initiation of rhythm analysis (AED Mode) when operating without a battery, using the M3539A AC power module alone at 90-100% rated mains voltage.

Selected Energy
Nominal Delivered Energy vs. Patient Impedance
Accuracy Load Impedance (ohms)
25 50 75 100 125 150 175



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